My experience at #Peniel

Here is the continuation of my last post New Year with Updates (engagement, introduction…).

Of course I accepted the proposal and the excitement kicked in fully the next day. It was such a great feeling of joy, hope, peace and LOVE…

Introduction came and was indeed successful. With Mon Beau right by my side, I was more at ease to face both families joyfully and enthusiastically.

While I was starting my leave, the only thing I hoped to do was a personal retreat. I didn’t know how to go about it but I knew I needed a sought of re-awakening/revival. I was feeling dry and I knew I needed some time apart with God. So many questions, no answers…

Then, I prayed a simple prayer to have an encounter that will turn my life around. An encounter with God. He hears us people, and He answers promptly (in line with his divine purpose). He heard me in the most tremendous way possible and I had “an encounter with purpose”

Mon beau asked me to join him to attend a week-long retreat in Gboko, Benue state. I wondered how someone 4,134.8 miles (yes I checked it) away from Nigeria knew about a retreat I had the faintest idea about. However, I obliged, more because it aligned with my need for a retreat. Nonetheless, I wanted something more, something lasting. I was tired of going around in circles.

The journey down to Gboko was indeed the start of the retreat for me, not that any preaching or singing was done (as is common with a group of Christians going on a retreat in Nigeria). The ambience, the interactions and the display of selflessness I began to see in some of the front-liners; something is different about these ones. Most especially because these were people of different races (yes different nationalities) with some meeting for the first time.

The most life-changing thing about the encounter were the “walking sermons”. As Matt. 7: 28-29 described Jesus has “living everything he was saying” (Message translation), that’s how I saw the teachers and leaders of the retreat. Selfless individuals, who held on to nothing but the cross. Men and women of high reputation who served joyfully without any classification or discrimination. Indeed, I have not recovered from that experience.

I was encouraged in my spirit that we can indeed become like Jesus here on earth but only by the power of His sacrifice. I had an encounter with God. God’s images walking on earth. “A Peniel Encounter”. This is an encounter we all must pursue earnestly. Our purpose lies in there. Because our divine calling is to be conformed into Christ’s image (Roms. 8: 29). Sort of like a cloning. It is called discipleship.

For the first time, I saw God in men. I didn’t see these men (and women) so I can’t even attempt to be like them or quote them. I saw Christ. Gboko was my “Peniel”. Peniel could be in your room, local church or your garden. But until that life changing encounter, deep-seated understanding, faith birthed revelation, we will keep going around in circles…

#pensdown till next post, I hope you have your encounter soonest. And if you have already, I’m sure you would never loose sight of it.




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